This could set a record for overdue posts on this blog - but I'm finally getting caught up and wanted to add a blurb about a great weekend I had in late January in Heidelberg.
Where's Heidelberg, I hear you ask? It's a really cool small city south of Frankfurt in the SW of Germany, renowned for its ancient university. And, by a quirk of fate, this focus on education, instead of industry, helped save the city in WW2 - when it was decided that there was nothing war-related to bomb.
The result is an amazingly well-preserved old quarter, with winding cobblestoned lanes and the charming ruins of the weathered Schloss (Castle) overlooking the city.

I had the luck to spend a summer here back in '98, staying with my Aunt Claudia and Uncle Don, plus my cousins Matt, Kirsten and Katie. It was an absolutely fantastic experience, and to get the chance to come back again was a great opportunity to wander down memory lane.
Aunt Claudia picked me up at Baden-Baden airport... a side effect of the Cold War ending was the availability of old airbases for civilian uses, so RyanAir picked up this one for a song.
My first night back was spent catching up with everyone. I was more than a little embarrassed to have been over in Europe for going on three years without a visit, but they were good and didn't heckle me too badly. Matt also brought his wife Heidi and little baby Hannah...

Saturday was my chance to wander the city, and I started with the Castle (which for some reason I never went to last time... weird), then back down to the city. It's mostly a shell, but with phenomenal views and really good coffee in a crypt.

Crossed the river and the famous old bridge, which included a rather odd sculpture:

...and wandered past the park I spent many a summer night throwing the frisbee around, drinking beer, while taking in the Castle.

Then it was nearly time to meet everyone for dinner at a restaurant that served literally 99 types of schnitzel. Good beer, good food, and great company - I decided discretion was the better part of valor, and avoided the more interesting combinations of bananas, chocolate, and fried pork. My stomach appreciated it.

Post dinner chatting was fun - but then Hannah found dad Matt a cozy place to nap:

Sunday was a nice lazy day. We said good-bye to Matt and Heidi, who had a 3 hour drive north...

After, I got to hang out with Aunt Claudia and we checked out the army base, which was much, much, MUCH more security conscious this time around (post 9/11).
Then, alas, it was time to head home... and a firm resolution that I won't be so woefully bad at coming to visit next time 'round!
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